How to purchase Profit Points (PP)

There is internal currency - Profit Points in Profitage ecosystem, which is used to run bots. PP can be purchased or earned for useful activity in community or achievements completion. You spend Profit Points to launch bots in Real mode.

How to process a purchase

1. Click on the purse 👛 in the /mainmenu of @profitage_bot (use /menu if you don't see it) and proceed to website via button.

For Mac OS users

This button does not work on Telegram for MacOS app, but works on Telegram Desktop on MacOS.

2. Choose Currency and Quantity (the amount of PP you wish to purchase)

3. Click PurchaseSubmit and follow the instructions to proceed with the payment

Note that the invoice is valid for 20 minutes. If you can't finish the payment in the given time frame, please restart the process.

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