You can interact with @profitage_bot via inline queries straight from the message field in any chat. All you need to do is to start a message with your @profitage_bot and enter a keyword.
Having received the query, @profitage_bot bot can return some results. As soon as the you select one, it is sent to the relevant chat. This way, you can share trading results, and invite others in any of their chats, groups or channels.
Users, who have joined profitage via links of the shared content, are considered as referred by you and may bring various bonuses.
Default @profitage_bot inline answer looks as follows:
Add any digit sequence to your inline query to view all bots which name contain this sequence.
If you add adv
to your query, the bot will show you all available marketing
If you add active
to your query, the bot will show you all your active bots
If you add prices
to your query, the bot will show you current prices of
several TOP coins
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