Alpha strategy

Alpha strategy is something like a counter-trend approach for futures markets that works similarly to DCA (Dollar-Cost Averaging) or Buy the Dip strategies.

When market trend follows the strategy's direction, it makes small and consistent gains. And when trend goes against strategy direction, it is designed to handle such movement gracefully by means of increasing position (i.e. cost averaging) and to take HUGE profit on market correction i.e. recovery after significant price change.

The strategy is mainly characterized by greed, price shifts for averaging and starting position size. This perfectly aligns with our backtest engine, which adapts the parameters to fit exact market price patterns i.e. pumps/dumps and correction volume.
*Each trading pair is tested separately to fit exact patterns of exact exchange.

Alpha strategy can be run in several setups: Long, Short and Bidirectional one. Long setup opens long(buy) orders and closes then with profit. This setup is effective when the market goes up, stays in flat, or gently falling with noticeable corrections (50-60%). Short setup is the same as Long, but Short. It opens short(sell) orders and closes them with profit. This setup is effective when the market goes down, stays in flat, or gently falling with noticeable corrections (50-60%). Bidirectional setup, it consists of both independent Short and Long configurations that trade simultaneously. This setup fits only flat market, but earns almost twice faster.

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