Boost your Earnings with Profitage’s Referral Program!
Gain Influence Points (IP) for purchases made by the people you invite, and convert them to USDT or Profit Points.
1. When you start Profitage Bot, you get a personal code (the “Referral Code”).
2. Urls to Profitage’s resources in Profitage Bot and Profitage Notifier Bot messages contain this code.
3. People who start Profitage Bot via this code, become your Referral.
4. You receive 40% of purchased Profit Points (PP) in Influence Points for every purchase made by your Referrals for the first year after their registration.
5. You can convert Influence Points to Profit Points at the one to one rate (1 IP → 1 PP) or to USDT at the rate of one to eight (1 IP → 8 USDT).
1. Use /sharereflink command in @profitage_bot or go to [🧑Profile] → [🔗Share Ref Link]
2. Use /botshistory command in @profitage_bot or go to [🏁], сhoose any of your finished bots, then share it the same manner as the referral code.
[Start this bot] button of the shared bot includes your referral code.
3. Use inline mode.
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If you have any questions, ask them in profitage_support_bot. Our support team operates 24/7 and is ready to assist you and to clear all your doubts and fears ❤️