Referral System

There is internal currency - Profit Points in Profitage ecosystem, which is used to run bots. Each user is provided with 10 Profit Points upon registration.

Referral Code

Each user has personal referral code. If another user starts communication with @profitage_bot using this code, the user is considered as referred by the first one.

Both referral and the referrer receive 10 Profit Points from Profitage, upon buying 10 Profit Points by the referred user 🎉

How to share Referral code 📢

1. Use /sharereflink command in @profitage_bot or go to [🧑Profile] → [🔗Share Ref Link]

2. Use /botshistory command in @profitage_bot or go to [🏁], сhoose any of your finished bots, then share it the same manner as the referral code.

[Start this bot] button of the shared bot includes your referral code.

3. Use inline mode.

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